80.000 Nurses are missing in German Hospitals

The well-respected newspaper “Spiegel online” reported, the German industrial union VER.DI said, that alone German hospitals are missing around 80.000 Nurses.   For more informations see here (German only): http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/pflege-krankenhaeuser-muessten-stellen-um-22-prozent-aufstocken-a-1213558.html  

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New educations for Nurses & Care Giver in Germany

The german government passed a new law for the education of Nurses and Care givers in Germany for 2020 on. Goal of the new educations are to bring more flexibility and more perspective for the students and employer in Germany. Read more (only German): https://www.schwaebische.de/home_artikel,-neues-gesetz-will-die-universelle-pflegekraft-von-morgen-schaffen-_arid,10885189.html

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